Kids Who CANT Sit Still — In defense… of my ON THE GO son

Here’s another MUST READ ARTICLE — if you’ve ever had “THAT KID” that can not sit still at school and gets labeled as the ACTIVE child or it is suggested to you to have the child tested for ADHD — This article is for you and it will lighten your spirits, unburden your shoulders, and perhaps give you hope….


All three of my happy hooligans are on the go type kids who like to explore and move… they like to get out and run… climb…. play… chase…. ride bikes or scooters or roller skates…. They are… healthy and happily energetic. They touch things in the store, they find treasures (garbage) on the ground they feel inclined to keep forever, and they are CURIOUS ALL THE TIME (I’m grateful for that). SO many people see us out and about… silently standing afar with a smile on their faces — they witness the buzzing commotion/non stop energy supply and movement from my three wonderfully made bundles of joy and make the SAME remarks to me every time “You sure do have your hands fun don’t you?” or “YOU must be SO BUSY with these three” (as if I didn’t already know I had my hands full and I was multi tasking three little people all going in different directions asking different questions and needing hugs/kisses/conversations at all times…. TO ALL OF YOU WHO ASK — Yes — I’m busy and have my hands full… BUT I LOVE EVERY SECOND OF IT… even if my eyes do look exhausted and my patience meter is on it’s last peg. 🙂

Anyways — Here’s the article.. Spend 2 minutes and read it.



*** One more notch to why I have such a negative disposition on what many of the public schools are becoming/doing nowadays… They (the teachers & schools that truly mean well) want the best but it’s just CHAOS out there… All we can do is stay positive and hope for the best.

Be Mindful. (of what you say outloud)

When you talk to others….. are you kind?

When you talk to your children, your boss, your spouse, your aunts/uncles/cousins, your parents or grandparents…….

When you talk to the clerk at the store, the postman, the salesman in a store, the neighbors, friends at a gathering………..

Do you speak jovially and kindly to them?
Do you treat others with compassion and respect?
Do you take time to LISTEN to what others are saying?
Do you lift up your friends with praise or compliments?
Do you say hurtful things about others when they are not around?
Do you walk away and refuse to take part in a negative themed conversation?


I think about how my children hear me speak to or about others. I try very hard to edit what comes out of my mouth and remain positive when there is a not so positive situation/person/event that occurs.

They listen…. and they learn…..

Your words are so important.

Choose wisely.