Welcome to SUMMER —-

Welcome to SUMMER — I think of Olaf — and how happy he was to have his own personal flurry… 😉


Then I think of Olaf and how happy he was to daydream about summer……

I love my job (even though I don’t have one figured out for the fall yet). I should re-state that… I loved my job this past year and love that I have the opportunity to STAY AT HOME with the kids.

I’m part time working mom and part time stay at home mom.

I have the best of both worlds RIGHT this moment in life. And I’m willing to go and do whatever is next on the agenda for my life but right now it’s completely uncertain and I’m okay with that….

LOVE SUMMER already….
And although we have a hectic chaotic up in the air type summer ahead of us… I’m still trucking forward with so much positive energy that I know some has to rub off on my 3 happy hooligans…


I appreciate all that there is around us every day.
I enjoy learning and teaching at the same time.
I enjoy watching others learn – more importantly I enjoy watching my own children learn… being there when they discover something new or fun.

I am blessed with laughter. Giggles. Smiles. Hugs. Tears. and just LIFE… “sounds like life to me”

Right now is what we have. This moment. Let’s make it what we can (as I type this as they are all asleep and I’m quickly downing the 2nd cup of coffee before the hectic (and wonderful) day begins)…..

home and kids

Cheers ~

Really?! Only my Oldest… LOL

Sometimes we get MORE than silly. Foolish. Hilarious. Happiness abounds every inch of my body.
Days like this has to be one of those times… 🙂


We were watching Tangled together… Family fun night.Movie Night..crazy.fun. happy.Long story short..This mama got all sorts of emotional when the princess found her mom and dad together and I started to cry. Happy tears.  The daughter has a similar emotional status and also cried a couple tears… 🙂 🙂

But my oldest… (mentioned how it is a “happy ending movie”  then he quickly says “mom.. you have not looked my belly button in a long time.. maybe you should check it out, there’s yucky stuff inside it”) His odd.  Random. soooooo  out of place personality… is PERFECT. Can I just say I started laughing and smiled and was very grateful for the moment. He’s different. Thinking about the box. No but seriously he is a special kind of wonderful…..  And I can’t wait to see what he does with his life… 🙂

THEN he comes over and says “I love happy endings to movies Mom, don’t you?” Disconnect Much?!

Then he kicks aside all the toys and starts dancing to the theme song at the end of the movie….(MIND YOU… when I say he starts dancing — it is not “dancing” —- but rather a THRASHING and FLAILING of arms/legs/head bobbing while hopping and twirling and falling……..   —–  The said daughter joins in after wiping tears away…. she dances with grace and agility while closing her eyes to the music and singing the song quietly to herself….. twirling in her mind… her own princess world. These are the moments I live for. How blessed I am to have them in my life and for them help remind me what the important things are 🙂

p.s. the youngest was curled up on my lap heating me with his body heat… curls flopped into his face and arm around my waist.  CAN IT GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS?!  *happy* *Less – is – more*


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Camper. NO. “Motor Home”. Check.

It needs quite a bit of TLC.
It needs quite a bit of fixer upper things.
It needs quite a bit of cleaning.
It needs quite a bit of added accommodations.

For what it is…. It’s about 95% PERFECT though.
Can’t wait for the little things to fall into place.

Kids love it.
They got to ride in it on the way home and already were asking me to turn up the music and if we can go camping tomorrow….

Oh the places you will go.




– April 24

It’s a Helluva Life…

Well we all have faith, and we all have hope,
But we’re all a little lost in the same damn boat.
It’s a helluva life, it’s a helluva life.
Something bout the night girl,
When you got the right girl,
Sittin right beside you,
Lookin at the sky, girl
Thinkin bout why we’re here,
And where we’re goin,
Baby, here we are,
And all I know is…

Pennies make dimes and dimes make dollars,
Dollars buy gas and longneck bottles,
Beer gets a barefoot country girl swayin,
To a song that’s playin and the world starts fadin’.
Bad times make the good times better,
Look in her eyes and you’re gone forever,
It’s a helluva ride… Yeah, It’s a helluva life.





Helluva Life

