Jump through hoops to HELP my children learn…..

I’m finishing my teaching certification.
I will be soon “certified” to teach.
To educate.
My BS in Biology and my MS in Marine Biology are just jumping stones of interest I suppose….
Because NOW I am going to be “certified”.

I want to teach because I like to help others SEE how AWESOME learning is…..


I also have 3 children.
I have always supported homeschooling.
I would love nothing more than to unschool my own children and let them be their own learners…..
I actually thought we would be homeschooling/roadschooling/unschooling by now.

Life has taken a few dramatic turns from the original “plan” and “idea” 5 years ago….

The oldest is in Kindergarten. The second will enter this upcoming year.

I am being awakened to the realities of public school systems through this teaching certification that I am taking part in. Now… DAILY…. I worry for my own children’s education more than anything else. I LOVE the oldest Kindergarten teacher… she’s GOOD.. and I mean REALLY GOOD…. But I have the understanding that it is the ‘luck of the draw’ and I hate playing Russian roulette with my children’s education….. I have always just wanted a little bit more (but don’t we all…. as parents….. want THE BEST for our children?)

I want to find conferences or get together with other like minded people. I need to spend as much time teaching myself about this avenue and the rules/regulations on the matter than I do on my own ‘education’ of teaching certification in NY state.

My journey back into what I wanted all along. That’s what this is. How can I make IT work with the adversity that I now face… the challenges that we are going to see in the next 11 months of moving to a new place, new job, new life….. Certainly I can “COUNT” that as an education all in itself so I am still trying the best I can with what I have (See, I’m talking myself into it).

My attempt to remind myself what I wanted for the past 6 years but slowly let go of accepting that it might not be easy or not possible QUITE YET.

I am not the teacher even though I have the degree….. I am just the helper…. to the students… just like I am the helper to my own children. THEY are the learners… THEY are the ones who have to apply themselves. Perhaps the first and biggest battle to fight is to help my children understand and VALUE education itself. The desire to learn….. If they have THAT…. I suppose I’ve won the ‘fight’. They will surely take care of the rest and utilize teachers/resources/time wisely if they have the foundation of appreciating education…. (That makes sense right???!!!)

We collect moments.

Not things.

Happy Day World — Happy Day