Be Mindful. (of what you say outloud)

When you talk to others….. are you kind?

When you talk to your children, your boss, your spouse, your aunts/uncles/cousins, your parents or grandparents…….

When you talk to the clerk at the store, the postman, the salesman in a store, the neighbors, friends at a gathering………..

Do you speak jovially and kindly to them?
Do you treat others with compassion and respect?
Do you take time to LISTEN to what others are saying?
Do you lift up your friends with praise or compliments?
Do you say hurtful things about others when they are not around?
Do you walk away and refuse to take part in a negative themed conversation?


I think about how my children hear me speak to or about others. I try very hard to edit what comes out of my mouth and remain positive when there is a not so positive situation/person/event that occurs.

They listen…. and they learn…..

Your words are so important.

Choose wisely.