Negative Nancy —

I have had so many run ins — with Negative Nancy —-

Especially about this past year and the (opportunity) to try something new, go somewhere completely unknown and teach a subject I wasn’t too familiar with almost 3000 miles away from what felt “comfortable”….

I heard the comment the other day… Someone who obviously has not travelled nor seen outside the 3 mile radius of their comfort zone said it was a “WASTE OF TIME” going all the way to Arizona to teach for a year when I need 3 years to certify (finalize) (officalize) (follow the rules-ize) my teaching certification…..

I however don’t see it as a waste whatsoever. Quite the opposite actually…. How many children can say they’ve travelled over 6,000 miles… visited 22 states already….. lived in an RV and were unschooled at museums, cities informational centers, national parks, and truly unique places all across the country????   (And I’m glad I’m at ease with the choices I’ve made for my children/myself/our specific situation/and our future).


“I thought it would be fun” “Why not” “It should be a good experience” “We’ve learned so much” “We’ve SEEN so much” “We’ve EXPERIENCED so much” “I would do it again in a heartbeat… but perhaps Montana next time”

I could go on for hours.


So to those who have a negative annotation to go with this past summer and last years summer of adventure…. please just keep your thoughts to yourself… This is a No Negative Comments Zone…. No Negative Nancy’s ALLOWED 🙂 🙂 😀

Forgive. Every. Single. Day.


When I say I forgive…
I mean….
Every Single Day.


It is hard… it is not easy… it is a struggle some days more than others because the HURT is there pushing its ugly face in my direction… but I acknowledge the hurt… accept it… and let it go.

Forgiveness is the greatest thing I can give MYSELF.
And I continue to make that choice.. EVERY DAY.
Some days are easier than others. Some days I see the HURT in my own children and the forgiveness pushes back and there is spite.. there is WHY?!!!! … there is BUT IT’s NOT FAIR… there is BUT it DOESN’T MAKE SENSE….

However…. Through all the struggles.. (daily) — I am given the freedom to make the choice… AND I DO. And I am relieved every time I do — TO FORGIVE… to let go…. to breathe.. and to move on….

Have a blessed day. I know I will. 🙂


Who out there (I wonder) would join me in forgiving others as they have wronged you?)
Who out there can see past the spite.. past the vindictive tendencies we have inside…
and just LET IT GO !?!?


Can you imagine where your life will be… 5 years from now?

(that’s the magic time line… 5 years…. 5 years from now…. WHERE will you be and WHAT will you be doing?!)

Will you make a difference in 5 years? Will you try?

~ Cheers — good day — 🙂

Happiness is…… breathing (and traveling)


I can not wait to see. do. smell. taste. experience. new things.

Especially MOUNTAINS.  I think mountains will be GOOD.



I think STUFF is over-rated.   I like STUFF but I like my TIME better… and I like doing awesome things with my kiddo’s more than I like my STUFF.

Now that I’ve bought an RV —  I am happy.


WHO and WHAT is around the next corner? Who will we meet? What will we get to see next?!

Whatever and whoever is there… I BET it is beautiful…


HAPPY SUMMER of 2014!!!!! Let’s Celebrate!

—- The excitement of adventure and uncertainty.



There’s no end to this.  There won’t be a point where I can say I’ve had enough or I do not want to travel anymore…..  I look at others who have seen and done so much more in the world past where I have been and wish that some day I could maybe figure out a way to do that too….

I love my wanderlust. 😀

Be Mindful. (of what you say outloud)

When you talk to others….. are you kind?

When you talk to your children, your boss, your spouse, your aunts/uncles/cousins, your parents or grandparents…….

When you talk to the clerk at the store, the postman, the salesman in a store, the neighbors, friends at a gathering………..

Do you speak jovially and kindly to them?
Do you treat others with compassion and respect?
Do you take time to LISTEN to what others are saying?
Do you lift up your friends with praise or compliments?
Do you say hurtful things about others when they are not around?
Do you walk away and refuse to take part in a negative themed conversation?


I think about how my children hear me speak to or about others. I try very hard to edit what comes out of my mouth and remain positive when there is a not so positive situation/person/event that occurs.

They listen…. and they learn…..

Your words are so important.

Choose wisely.


Quotes Make Me Happy

I have an obsession with pictures. With Quotes. With emotional stories that bring tears instantly. With comedy skits that bust my sides open with heehaw laughter too loud to contain.

So I repost only one here or there on facebook.
Sad because I read so many but don’t want to ‘blow up the news feed’ with my own “likes” that no one will actually “get” but me… so I think I’ll start a collection HERE. (as well as it will be a perfect excuse for me to return to this page MORE and MORE frequently) and maybe they’ll all get more traffic due to me reposting (if I can figure out how to do it properly…. )

so here goes the first.
decently good.
Slideshow. Gallery.

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Cheers —