Hope for Contentedness with Unconditional Forgiveness

Forever.   And a day.
Whatever life hits me with….

I’m still standing.  We’re still standing.


Somehow my heart has an unsurpassable amount of love for people.

It’s the most real…. unconditional…. true…. love… that I’ve ever known.

Forgiveness is real.     Hope is real.  Every single day choosing to not hold onto anger/resentment is real.


And I hope for nothing but the best in the future.


Hope for all good things…  no matter what they might be…

Hope for happiness for others.  Hope for peace for others. Hope for true contentedness.


Take It Easy – Passing through Winslow Arizona…

I am forever grateful.

to my mother.

for the music influence.

she showed me.


When I drove through Winslow Arizona one year ago….. it was a MOMENT.  A moment to be had.  And I had it…..   FULL with tears and singing at the top of my lungs no less… 🙂  You’re jealous, I know.

CRAZY how life has taught me so much in the past year.

One whole year. 365 days.

Countless encounters/experiences/challenges/accomplishments.


Where will be in 1 year from now?!


Spotify. Yes. Please.

Without spotify I would go insane.  Seriously. True statement.   When I put it on “shuffle” and it has well over 10,000 songs of wonderful sounds to my ears.  I have EVERY type of music in there (almost)…..   and I just have to skip if I don’t want that exact song right now.




It’s so much better than Pandora because it has ONLY the songs that I myself have picked.  I have a story to go with each song on there.   THE SONGS bring me back to a place in my mind/heart that usually makes me dance a little dance… and smile a happy smile….

We need to dance.

The kids and I.

Dancing is critical to our survival.  To our sanity (or just my own sanity) —

It gets “OUT” their extra energy very quickly with a dance session… and it eases all stress if there’s something happening that is a tad bit not enjoyable…

Oh yes, music.  Thank you for always helping….

When there is no internet connection and all I have is the radio… I get quite sad.  I love the radio but I’m done with it.    I live in a world of spotify.  I love it.  *Sigh*  Thank you Spotify for being so AWESOME.


The most difficult part of travel is not having GOOD music when we want good music….  Spotify rectifies that for me but only if I can get us near WiFi 🙂 😀

Here’s a throw back Thursday for the blogging world…. —  Back at the duplex in Lake Havasu City… we were having a dance party to “I hope you dance” — and it makes my heart happy just to see this and recall that day. 😀





Take Vacations … Happy People …. The time is now…


I wish I could constantly be surrounded with people who “get it” about travel – seeing new things – doing new things –


But for now….. I’ll just surround myself and amuse myself with these posts of quotes/pictures that make my heart happy.


If I sit still too long I get antsy. I like seeing and doing new things. I can not sit at home all the time and just be in a ROUTINE without the opportunity to try new things or venture off past the horizon….


All I can hope is that everyone out there somehow gets this travel bug before they’re too old to act upon it…
Such a happy life…


I am content. And THIS is a vacation of sorts. I am happy now. The time is now. (I think of the song.. shining happy people now by REM)

NOW — I can NOT help but insert the video to go with it… MUST LISTEN. MUST appreciate. Must dance along. 🙂
Enjoy the ride.. this is life. Today. Now. And it’s Hilariously Awesome.

Smiles and Ambition and Dreams and Motivation. Yes, Please!





Good Bye Havasu –

The past 11 months have been swell…..

Time for this adventure to begin —



Off we go — 😀





Some day ——– I’ll buy a boat. And jet skis. And 4 wheelers. And dirt bikes. And we’ll be back.

Not entirely a “Havasu” song… but it’s happy… and I share happy —  😀


Havasu is a very unique place. There’s a lot of fun to be had. We just happened to spend our year relaxing and enjoying the view.


Perfectly imperfect, gloriously messy, and happily chaotic little world

If I haven’t expressed how grateful I am for each and every day. Let me say it again today.

I appreciate the simple things.  I am truly happy for down time to soak in all the miracles going on around me.

My children are FULL of joy. Full of wonder.  Full of questions and inquisitive personalities.   They’re also full of chaos. Whining. Bickering. Screaming. Fighting. Pushing. Pulling. Teaching. Helping. Showing. and Learning how to act differently when something frusterating comes at them.  Practice is DAILY.  We repeat and then repeat some more.    Moments like this though make me freeze and just take it all in.  The music is playing.  They are all happy.  They are all sharing.  They are dancing.  They are singing.  They are OVERFLOWING with JOY.  And it’s contagious. And I love it.   Today was my perfectly imperfect, gloriously messy, and happily chaotic little world.

perfectly imperfect




Do you ever have a moment when all is right with the world?

A private tea party for two,
A tender conversation between a girl and her dog,
A couchful of every single person you love, happily smushed against you.

In that moment, all is right with the world.

No fighting, no whining, no chaos—just peace.

No deadlines, no distractions, no demands—just freedom.

No yesterday, no tomorrow, no long-term agenda—just now.

No failings, no criticism, no guilt—just love.

In that moment, all is right with the world.

These moments are brief … they are rare … they can be easily missed. Believe me, I know. But I’m trying not to let them pass me by.

This is how:

Take pause in the busyness of your day—even a moment or two will do. And for a moment, pay attention. Notice. Listen. Stop. Breathe.

There’s a good chance you will catch one:

That moment when all is right in your perfectly imperfect, gloriously messy, and happily chaotic little world.

Peace, love, freedom, and joy right there at your fingertips.

The best moments of life are forever yours when you stop to take them in.


This was NOT written by me but I am in LOVE with everything she posts.  So very real and well said.   I have to repost but please give her the credit.  Check her out on FB too… She’s good stuff.

© Rachel Macy Stafford 2014  –  Hands Free Revolution

Living at a slower pace is something many of us want to do, but it’s easier than it sounds, right? I’ve learned to incorporate moments of pause throughout my day. Whether it’s a moment to connect with people I love, nature, or my own thoughts, those moments refuel me and help me focus on what matters. Wishing you a moment of pause in your perfectly imperfect world today!