The “OLD” About (from 2008 with a quick update)

In 2008 —- This blog world was a DAILY part of my life…. I was posting creative posts with a handful of readers and friends/family were following along as I posted about all sorts of things —- That blog was fully active, full of awesomeness and I was loving it. I deleted it all on a hunch in 2009 and a rebuilding the pieces. Hang on with me as I ‘re-learn’ how this all works and get myself back into the blogging community. BELOW — is MOST of the “ABOUT” page from that blog (it was the only thing I saved) — So the pictures are a bit dated but they sure do show where I was only a few short years ago —- πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Enjoy the TBT (throw back Thursday) on my “OLD About”

I now have 3 children – and live a WONDERFUL life of chaos. I live for the moment as much as I can. I constantly thrive to live more simply and education is very important to me. I am always learning and being taught. This blog is just another avenue of that for me.

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erics panoramic

WHO am I ???

I am a small town Mama from rural NY who loves having a mountain view and a warm cup of coffee handed to me when I wake up every morning. I am a proud Mama of three wonderful, energetic, creative, inquisitive, constantly on the go, yet healthy children……

I am not afraid to shave my head (twice) or to climb into a cave of darkness in Central America with only a tiny flashlight or have scuba dive with the sharks off North Carolina. I am not afraid to go spelunking (swim upstream in a murky river cave) also in said Central America with only a life vest as my companion. I am not afraid to sail a tall ship boat from Key West to Bermuda to St. Croix for 6 weeks without any contact with land. I am not afraid to speak my mind and be told that I am wrong (although I might argue for awhile that I am right… after all I am always right a woman). I am not afraid to lose both my parents before I have the opportunity to fall in love and create three wonderful children of my own. I am not afraid to live and to experience life. The ocean and traveling are my passions and my biggest high is when I see some place new and can share it with those close to and most important to me. I live for the *ahh*sigh* kind of feeling when your eyes are closed and the air smells of dirty diapers fresh, crisp, and clean.

UPDATE::::Β Β  I’ve somehow accomplished a couple BS degrees, an MS degree, and a Post Bac degree in secondary science education. I’ve somehow landed a job teaching at a public school (even though I would rather be unschooling my own children) almost 3000 miles away from everyone I know and took root in a city I know nothing about…. and I am building somewhat of a new life brick by brick… day by day…. with grace and patience after the life we were living didn’t quite fit the mold for everyone involved.

My Goals in Life:

#1) Life a Healthy & Happy Life with My Family. UNSCHOOL these kiddos…. Help them see past the assembly line of the education system and perhaps let them venture off on their own to teach themselves what they really want to know and do.

#2) Become Debt Free (again) — and make enough income to be comfortable without stress (HAVE LESS & DO MORE)…. I do not want to win the mega millions. I want to be self sustaining while teaching my kin how to respect the earth, elders, and grow our own food pretty much.

#3) Educate My Kids —– About the basics of how to treat others….. How to interact….. How to think…. How to QUESTION EVERYTHING…. and how to never stop learning —— (I shall call this success if I can do said goal without inflicting them with too much of the insanity that flops around in my brain)

———I should update the about page — considering —- it was 2007 since I was using this blog name on a daily basis.


So perhaps I’ll fill you in a more —– About ME —


I’m a woman. I’m a mother. I’m restless. I am forgiving. I am loving and hopeful. I’m passionate about travel and learning.

I am slightly very much obsessed with the ocean, islands, rocky shore lines, sandy shore lines, sailing, the stars, and seeing new things. Mountains. Animals. Rivers. Experiences. “SCENIC ROUTE” roads…. MMM YES PLEASE… πŸ™‚ Lakes. Streams. Birds. Cats. Dogs. Pigs. Gardening. Watching FOOD GROW. Eating FOOD that I have grown. Teaching others. Helping others understand. Asking questions. Enjoying learning something that I already learned but forgot so I had to relearn.

Boy… I must love to learn. I keep myself busy (too busy).

I used to blog daily (multiple times daily)…. Life threw a couple crisis situations my way and I deleted 2 years worth of blogging on a whim…….. I learned how to blog and I learned how to coupon before blogging and couponing was the “cool thing” to do………. Have I said I like learning new things yet?

I love to see the mountains. I love to see the ocean. I love the smell of the ocean and going for a walk along the shoreline just to listen to the sound of the waves crashing. I even don’t mind getting splattered with some good ol’ gull “pucky” (That’s what it’s called on Appledore Island which is a marine biology/ecology/field station for scientists off the coast of Maine — If you ever have the chance to visit I highly suggest) —— I LOVE to take pictures and capture facial expressions on others faces —– moments of wonder (awe) as much as anger (frustration) and “that’s UNFAIR” type moments my kids have when reality sets in and they see they are NOT the center of the universe. I love to go off roading with a 4 wheeler, dirt bike, truck, or any other mechanical machine that gets dirty and goes fast over ruts in the ground. I love to go scuba diving in ship wrecks or on some tropical island to see coral reef that is hardly hanging on. I love to read but I hardly do. I love art and blowing glass. I love ceramics and throwing on the wheel. I love love love love LOOOVE the sunrise and the sunset EVERY SINGLE DAY. I love to teach others a couple tid bits that I’ve learned along the way and I tend to laugh at myself more often than not. I turn BRIGHT RED for NO REASON AT ALL (frequently) if a crowd looks at me randomly for an unmentioned reason but I am so outgoing and loud no one can make any sense of it……… I like to stay organized and I like to have ‘a plan’ but have learned that PLANS NEVER GO AS PLANNED so it’s much easier to have a clue but not to hold too tightly.

To do with kids….. Reading, watching movies, playing games, COOKING and CLEANING, building with legos, organizing books, swimming, bike riding, coloring pictures, creating master pieces of art, fishing, hide and seek, reading, hiking, tickle fights, building blanket forts (never tried a plethora of other sports but probably would love them too).

I have seen more adversity in my short 30 years than I would like to admit. I appreciate every act of kindness that I come across and hope to instill some awesome values onto my kids before the crazy sets in. I hate asking for help and it is difficult for me to take help when it is offered… not because I’m stubborn and think I can do it all on my own…but rather I think others MUST NEED THIS more than I do…. so I should pass on this.

I am extremely grateful for EVERYTHING that I have. I live a life very minimalist and we get by just fine with less. Stuff is just STUFF and we do better when we are surrounding ourselves with each other rather than our STUFF (as I have discovered).


Today is a gift. THIS IS ALL I HAVE…. TODAY …. πŸ™‚ With my kids. What I say and do matters… πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ And I love how much they want to learn/feel the drive to learn/teach me to learn at the same time…..

My children, health, education, and happiness is my ambition.

I am blessed even after it all (the chaos of my life).


Take me or leave me. I am not certainly not here to attempt to fit anyone’s ideal mold of ‘normal’.

I love music. I love ALL SORTS of music. I love to dance. We love to have dance parties. We have dance sessions in the car. We dance in the store. We dance while we eat. We sing while we hike. We sing and dance while we sing and dance. πŸ™‚ My kids like to be happy… and I tend to enjoy that as well. πŸ™‚ I thrive for happy. peace. calm. to enjoy THIS moment…



I will add UPDATED pictures when the time comes.

as for now…. just know that I LOVE stars, seagulls, the sunshine…..

I also like cheese…. and tree frogs. (together, as if the tree frog is hugging a chunk of cheese and grabbing it with a look on his face like “DON’T TOUCH MY CHEESE”).






mom & chad

Family of 4

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